The Dneail Corporation is no more.

For many years, Dneail has served people in two ways.

On one side, it was a “he” – “he who blogs”, “he who sings”, “he who streams” and “he who creates”.
On the other, it was “they” – “they who blog”, “they who sing” (well, not really), “they who stream” and “they who create”.

What do I/we mean? For years, the entity known as “Dneail” had two pronouns. “He” – the person, the streamer, the content creator, the blogger, the singer and “they” – the company, the creators, the thinkers, the bloggers and the releasers.

Since 2020, Dneail has been both a person and a company. But why? In 2020, I/we released our first website after countless times of telling myself not to – (which is still active, by the way). I/we started (one of) our first service that would be considered a business-type service – Dneail+. (Before we dive deeper, I just want to let you know that back then, everything was badly documented and lots was destroyed.)

Unlike today, where Dneail+ is a subscription program, Dneail+ was a loyalty points program, where, if users followed Dneail on a platform, they would get points.

After a while, the Dneail website moved to, where you see it today. In the beginning, aggregated absolutely everything.

From memory, I can recall Dneail Online (later dissolved, then Dneail Online, then dissolved again, do., then Ohai, then dissolved again), PLAYMATES, Dneail+ Loyalty Program, Dneail Red (later Dneail Stream) and a bunch more that all worked terribly.

Dneail Partner Program, Dneail Media Store, Jive (a coding language that was defunct in 2022), TerraShock Games, Playcast (later Gamecast/Gamebox, later Playbox which was gaming console) were all projects of Dneail. My book, my first songs, all part of Dneail. Remember when we shut down Dneail Stream and brought it back a month later?

Dash, Atlas, one account for Surf, Queye, Online, Daily, Files and Store and I just found the original Queye account.

Hyperspeed Roblox gaming engines, Dneail V.I.P. server, my old merch store, website redesigns.

Controversy, drama and, to be honest, that was my favourite summer. Card games, board games, video games, mobile games and some of my old logos;

For so long, I/we grew Dneail into becoming so giant. You may already know how the name “Dneail” was founded. Spoiler alert: it’s almost 7 years old! If it were a child, it wouldn’t need a car seat, I think.

We founded DOT and partnered with TKS-TV (which we are still grateful for) and GC Guesty (which (even though we don’t see eye to eye on certain political issues) we are still grateful for the partnership).

We were the ones to complete the Transbanian project and we founded the Transbanian Organisation and thanks to us, they thrive!

And without Hoatz, Queye wouldn’t be so powerful and almost all services would just not exist.

Dneail Domains, later Blink Domains are all amazing things we founded.

We are so grateful to have the chance to create mediaOS, Dneail Surf, Dneail Live Week and much more.

But eventually, in May, we made the choice to put more into Queye.

That started with our inspiration from Yandex – a Russian search engine, to create a homepage with news, weather and time. We also fed Dash and Atlas to Queye, to better its search. After 14 days, we realised we could not keep up the news, so we got rid of it, along with the time and weather and focused on providing the best search results.

And so we did. With Instant Answers, a focus on privacy and more!

Anyways, going back to what “I/we mean”, today we are announcing that we are separating Dneail-as-a-person and Dneail-as-a-company (aka The Dneail Corporation).

Furthermore, we will be completely merging The Dneail Corporation into Queye. This means Queye is the company part of Dneail and Dneail is the person part of Dneail.

No, this is not a joke nor a dream. The Dneail Corporation is no more.

That’s it! Dneail has come to a close. So, from now on Dneail is “I”.

So, here’s what you need to know;

First of all, Queye is getting its own blog. will remain up, that’s not changing until at least 2026.

Dneail Stream will convert to a Queye-based streaming service which will be announced by the end of the year.

The Transbanian Organisation will continue independently.

Blink Domains is already Queye Domains.

The fate of each other service will be revealed eventually and the migration is set to complete before the end of 2024.

My logo, which a lot have seen a dark meaning in, will also be defunct and replaced by a regular profile picture.

Thank you!

Just to confirm, Dneail will still be a thing. I will be a content creator and a musician.